I resisted subscribing to DVR service for a longtime. I only caved in last fall but immediately noticed the improvement in my Television experience. I tend to resist new technology formats. I was very happy with tapes for music and video until I finally embraced CD's & DVD's. I resisted MP3's for a while too. I still prefer to hold the CD of my favorite artist in my hand and explore the art work but for artist I am less enthused about and only want one or a few of their songs the MP3 is fantastic, I can always burn it to a CD if I choose (I still do not own an MP3 player other then my phone). The DVR is easy to program, I can set permanent reminders to record shows based on the title and channel of the show. I can also program it to record first run only or first run and repeats of shows. When I view my shows it is easy to fast forward and rewind them. When I no longer wish to store them on my DVR, the deletion is easy and it frees up additional recording space. Unlike a VHS tape it does not lose quality with multiple recordings and I never have to worry about the tape getting stuck.
I thought this would be a good opportunity to highlight some quality Television programs that I am currently interested in. I have been enthralled with the Starz series Spartacus. It is getting ready to begin its third installment
Spartacus: Vengeance

Spartacus: Vengeance begins where the story concluded but Liam McIntyre assumes the role of Spartacus from Andy Whitfield. Andy was excellent in the role! He was not replaced because he pulled some Hollywood temper-tantrum and wanted more money but because Andy is battling cancer. I hate cancer! I offer my full prayers and support to Andy and his family. Andy had already been diagnosed with cancer while filming Spartacus and when you see his conditioning, acting, and athleticism you cannot help form being impressed and respecting the man! I lost my dog Dakota who was the best-friend I have ever had to lymphoma, so I am praying for Andy to beat the disease and a cure to be found so no one else has to suffer from it. The above trailer is impressive, its a bit challenging for me watching Liam play Spartacus because I am conditioned to watching Mr. Whitfield in the role but I am sure Liam will do a great job. If you have not watch the series it is worth investing in on Starz or DVD rental.
TNT pulled off a victory in relaunching the Dallas brand on their network. You'll see in this promotional video that the look, feel, and main characters appear to remain in tact. It has potential but my hope is that the for main characters appearing in this are featured and not secondary performers. The scripts need to be original rather then having JR's and Bobby's sons rehash the same plot lines as their Daddy's. JR Ewing is one of the finest and most interesting and iconic characters in the history of TV. It is worth giving the show a chance just for JR.
Entourage just started its final season, the first episode was alright. It was a catch-up the viewer episode on what has happened to the characters since we last saw them. I wasn't overly impressed, it could have been much better but episode 2 is on my DVR to view on command. Reports have surfaced that a script for an Entourage movie already exist and that Producer Mark Wahlberg may finance it himself (why wouldn't he he'll make a killing with it?). The other HBO show that plays on the same night as Entourage that I watch is, Curb Your Enthusiasm. I didn't like episode one at all but episode two was very funny! I wonder if that chicken place actually exist? HBO is also airing one of my favorite shows of all-time in Game of Thrones. It is as well written and produced as HBO's Rome which was prematurely folded despite high-ratings and strong fan base. Game of Thrones will be discussed in greater detail in a future blog.

The movie I am waiting for in 2012 is The Dark Knight Rises! This is the third installment of the Christopher Nolan series. Speculation is that Nolan will only be involved in these three Batman movies but I think he would be a fool to end his involvement. Perhaps he won't direct future Batman films but his role in shaping the story and producing is vital. Nolan has been involved in great films like American Psycho, The Prestige, etc. but his best work comes from the Batman series. He'll never run out of story lines, the studio will continue to give him complete control, and he earns a massive fortune every few years that enables him to do any other type of film project he desires. The main villains appear to be Bane and Catwoman in this film but there are numerous other actors assigned to the project that have yet to be linked to characters, so it will be interesting to see who else crops up in this. The story appears to at least follow the Batman novel/series Knightfall. I will see it twice on opening day just like I have done with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

My DVD player faithfully records the show Sons of Guns for me. I did not believe I would like this show but its fantastic! It features a cast of characters from Southern Louisiana that are expert gun builders. They create, repair, and modify weapons like few can. They have invented a few specialties of their own. This show sucks you in. Discovery Channel has another show entitled Dual Survival that has the same effect of making you watch it after you started. Two very different survival experts, Cody Lundin and Dave Canterbury demonstrate survival techniques in some of the planet's most unforgiving terrains. Why won't Cody wear shoes & long pants anywhere?
I have recently been watching Lion Country. I love this show and I want David Youldon's job! The work they are doing is reminiscent of George Adamson and Tony Fitzjohn's work. They are teaching captive bread lions to be wild but doing it very gradually and in totally fenced in large natural habitats. The descendants of the lions being introduced to these safe but wild places will be released into the wild. I cannot wait to volunteer at Antelope Park one day and get to work with these lions! A similar show and program with the same purpose is Cheetah Kingdom. The Cheetahs and Lions face the same issues for their survival, poaching and loss of habitat. The programs are very similar and run by people with great hearts. These shows are so inspiring. I wish they would have has shows like this when George Adamson was alive and working with lions and other big cats. Perhaps it would have helped fund their efforts and provided the lions and staff alike some protection from the locals that would end up murdering many animals and humans alike.
Spartacus and Batman are two projects I'd love to act in and one day I will!
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